Our Vision...
Guiding the Work our Team Does Today and Plans for Tomorrow
Euclidian Trust will be the global market leader for real-time, comprehensive, and continuously-updated transactional trust for any industry while enhancing privacy and respecting legal, business, and cultural differences across our user community.
Euclid is largely regarded as the father of geometry. About 2,300 years ago, he wrote The Elements. Among other things, he sought to prove the 250 year-old Pythagorean Theorem: the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the two other sides. Even after Euclid's work, it took another 150 to 200 years to accept the proof.
Euclidian Trust takes the advancements in computing over the last two and a half millennia (mostly in the last decade) to measure the various dimensions of trust at run time. Like Pythagoras and Euclid, it is all about visualizing the results. We break the geometry into smaller and smaller pieces to make sure we get the details correct. In turn, our customers get an easily consumed solution to the business at hand...not a book written in Greek.

Identity Manager
The Euclidian Trust Identity Manager is a unique cloud-based identity and access management solution. It is designed to appeal to customers and users seeking to protect highly valuable assets and sensitive transactions. We offer a tailored user engagement driven by your enterprise needs. We incorporate user's preferences and the changes in the risk presented at authentication and during use.
Our customers traditionally leverage our end-to-end solution platform as a federated identity manager for their enterprise applications as well as that of their business partners. Your customers are redirected to our platform to authenticate and the returned to your application with a secure and trusted connection to the individual.
Other customers use a smaller subset of our capabilities. These customers already have a portion of the identity management lifecycle embedded in their infrastructure, yet they seek one or more of our unique capabilities to increase the trust in transactions.
Information Exchange
The Euclidian Trust Information Exchange is a cloud-based information sharing platform. Information assets are exposed to those with the rights and authority to know the information. Trusted consumers of information present their needs. The transactions are completed under standardized contracts specific to industry needs, national laws, and best practices in privacy and security.
We simplify the integration of enterprise applications and data repositories on both sides of the transaction. The Information Exchange platform presents both industry standard APIs, open and flexible APIs, and strong security. Information exchange requests and responses are facilitated through a semantic integration library as enterprises may not have common data definitions and formatting, but it is rendered in a way that it is immediately usable.
Additionally, we provide an ever-growing variety of utility services that improve information exchange. While more are being added by Euclidian Trust or our Partners based upon demand, Examples include:
referential matching
data cleansing
business intelligence
modeling and simulation
The entire sharing platform has an integrated operations management and a billing application for micro-transactions between parties and for the use of utility services.
Analytics Engine
The Euclidian Trust Analytics Engine is designed from the ground up to look at data in a new way. Our focus on entity resolution, data quality, and semantic integration makes our analytic results more granular and sensitive to change. It is easier to pick out a "signal" from the "noise". Now enterprises can get even more value from the "Data Lakes" they have been collecting, but didn't have the data model or power to execute.
Euclidian Trust provides analysis that continuously values the assets in a transaction, the experience and reputation of the participants, the progress of a project to meet time and cost objectives, and the achievement of financial goals compared to original projections. When something looks awry, we discretely challenge the participant(s) in the transaction with our observations and facts so they can be validated or disputed.
We constantly seek new primary data sources to help confirm our measurements and predict the drivers of future outcomes. Euclidian Trust can't be the experts in all analytical and modeling domains; therefore, we partner and integrate external tools into our ecosystem.
Euclidian Trust products are acquired, integrated, and consumed for high-value transactions as well as sensitive and private information access. This is especially important when transactions can't be reversed, or sensitive information cannot "regain" privacy. Euclidian Trust also addresses a broadening array of business needs that don't need as much rigor and analysis. The ability to scale and integrate discrete capabilities in our ecosystem of solutions supports more economical applications.
Countering identity fraud and building more trusted trading markets are critical to the future success of banking and finance. Euclidian Trust will help institutions deliver more out of their technology-enabled business solutions with less risk.
Banking and Financial Services
Euclidian Trust is implementing "Trusted Trading" for new asset classes based upon ground-breaking work in transactional trust. These assets depend on a bedrock understanding of true underlying value (debt, securities, or projects) and continuous updates for real-time trading. Participants pass Euclidian Trust initial and ongoing verification to access this high-trust exchange, well beyond traditional global banking standards.
To mitigate the time and expense in document execution, Euclidian Trust integrates Identity Management with Information Exchange. Documents are assembled from micro-documents and tracked with an identity-originated blockchain that maintains an audit-enabled ledger of document status and required updates - verifiable in real-time.
Euclidian Trust has implemented a series of artificial intuition improvements tailored for financial institutions. These product enhancements address identity assurance. We will better assess identities accessing accounts are in fact carbon-based lifeforms and the individuals we expect. Our approach will also reduce the risk of synthetic identities.
Euclidian Trust finds its roots in extremely high reliability patient record matching across healthcare institutions. We have extended that capacity to match, and we integrate it with HL7 IHE and the emerging FHIR request-response formats common to the healthcare industry. Traditional attempts have been hampered by a lack of semantic interoperability, where the "plumbing" is connected through technical interoperability, but the "Rosetta Stone" required to decipher variations in implementations and context are lacking. This is not unique to the US healthcare system as the need exists no matter who the payer is.
Healthcare companies will be able to offer federated enrollment of not only patients, but also for practitioners with continuous monitoring of their professional credentials using the Euclidean Trust Identity Manager. Patients will be engaged in the information sharing process actively through easy-to-use consent management applications built into their mobile lifestyle.
We have been chasing true health information sharing and patient-enabled control for decades. Euclidian Trust helps build more comprehensive biographic and medical history. Outcome-based care and precision medicine will be more achievable than ever.
eGov has grown significantly in the developed world. Comprehensive, citizen-centric solutions are elusive without accurate entity resolution and information sharing. Euclidian Trust is a lynchpin in privacy and accuracy.
Euclidian Trust understands complex eGovernment solutions and provides critical enablers for a citizen-centric approach. Globally, public-sector organizations will be able to maintain their legacy applications and application-building processes using system integrators or SaaS providers. We seek to provide the glue that provides a high-integrity relationship between the citizen and their government records through our identity-originated blockchain through open APIs and simplified audit and reporting.
The governments of the world will have more confidence that the citizens getting benefits are real, they still qualify for those benefits, and they can provide strong linkage between the source and recipient of the benefits. The public-sector ecosystem, whether government bodies or their commercial providers, can also leverage the Euclidian Trust platform of products to cost-effectively reduce the risk of insider threats and speed sharing of human capital.
Our public-sector work requires special standards compliance and certifications. These assertions can be viewed on our Global Public-Sector Page.
J. Brent Williams
Brent founded Euclidian Trust in 2017. He has led multiple, successful entrepreneurial ventures and identity thought leader with eight patents. Most recently, he founded Verato based upon his referential matching invention. As CEO, he funded the company through the development of its core identity matching platform and initial government healthcare customer. He led the A-round funding and transitioned to the role of CTO where its product success garnered a B-round to accelerate its growth. Verato is third-party verified as the most accurate health identity matching platform across both cloud and data center solution provider. The accuracy of the platform has built a suite of industry-leading identity products in healthcare and financial services.
Prior to that, he was the CTO of Anakam. There he invented multi-factor authentication distributed with text messaging and voice delivery. Now ubiquitous, this revolutionized products mired in expensive hardware tokens and democratizing strong identity proofing and authentication. Anakam was acquired by Equifax where Brent was appointed the CTO of their identity solutions.
He graduated from the US Naval Academy and served as a nuclear submarine officer. He was selected to serve at The White House where he developed national-level policies and directed operations. After his military service he worked at Bolt, Beranek and Newman as the chief engineer for revolutionary IP telecom networks and solutions. He moved to global telecom with GlobalOne where he led product development and managed multi-national engineering, marketing, and operations teams. This success led to selection as Telecommunication Partner at Greenwich Technology Partners where he founded and managed their success through the telecommunication boom.
In addition to Euclidian Trust, Brent continues to serve on the Board of Advisors at Verato and serves as a Partner at Monaco Foundry guiding the product portfolio of their venture-backed global IP library.
Prior to that, he was the CTO of Anakam. There he invented multi-factor authentication distributed with text messaging and voice delivery. Now ubiquitous, this revolutionized products mired in expensive hardware tokens and democratizing strong identity proofing and authentication. Anakam was acquired by Equifax where Brent was appointed the CTO of their identity solutions.
He graduated from the US Naval Academy and served as a nuclear submarine officer. He was selected to serve at The White House where he developed national-level policies and directed operations. After his military service he worked at Bolt, Beranek and Newman as the chief engineer for revolutionary telecom networks and solutions. He moved to global telecom with GlobalOne where he led product development and managed multi-national engineering, marketing, and operations teams. This success led to selection as Telecommunication Partner at Greenwich Technology Partners where he founded and managed their success through the telecommunication boom.
In addition to Euclidian Trust, Brent continues to serve on the Board of Advisors at Verato and serves as a Partner at Monaco Foundry guiding the product portfolio for their new global IP library.

Contact Us
We are excited to hear from companies across all industries interested in applications of trust in their environment. Euclidian Trust will help differentiate your solutions, speed eBusiness, and improve analytical precision.
Our products are flexible enough that you can consume only the smallest of capabilities and grow more deliberately, or you might want access to our end-to-end SaaS offerings based upon trust for information sharing, consent, transaction integrity.